Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Neutrogena Rapid Clear Acne Defense Face Lotion

Hiya, Skin care lovers.

This is my favorite face lotion during Spring and Summer.  My skin gets very dry around my nose and mouth, but oily on the T-zone.  However, all other lotions tend cause break out on my skin after a couple weeks. This is the perfect balance. My skin stays soft and clear. Of course, it also preventing break outs.

Only con is be careful in the sun or tanning if you have sensitive skin cuz it makes your face a little more sensitive. Nothing to be real worried about though.

BIGGEST PROBLEM- its very hard to find. most stores only sell it in a pack with 2 other acne treatments. I only need the lotion. SO if you like it, make sure you buy another before you run out or else you def will be without while trying to track some down or ship it.

Stay healthy and happy!
-Luie <3

Monday, April 23, 2012

My cute Lula!!!

South Korea National Museum

Hi, Travelers.
I went to South Korea to learn Korean. These are the pictures I took when I visit National Museum in Korea. Our school had a trip over there. Everyone got to draw a fan as souvenir. The fan on my face was mine.^^* Some of the Pictures are the arts from the Museum that the time. Enjoy!
Stay healthy and happy!
-Luie <3

Korea, I am coming!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hello Kitty iphone case

Hi, Hello Kitty lovers and iphone lovers:)

I got this iphone case when I was in Shanghai, China.  My good friend in Shanghai got this case for me as a gift.  I have a black iphone 4. I think it would look good with the color matching.  I really like the ears and pink ribbon design. They make my iphone looks more alive!

I would love to get another cute iphone 4 case, if any of you know where is the best place to buy. I have searched online like amazon or ebay, but could not find a good one.  Please share if you have cute cases too! :)

Do you have a unique cellphone case to share? Did you like the ears on my iphone HK case? ^^*

Stay healthy and happy!
-Luie <3

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Today, what I have learned from Bible.

Learning bible alone is hard. That is why attending a good church, finding right partners to study bible together are very important.

I became a Christine from last year, 2011 May.  I am so glad that I starting to know and learn about God days after days.  I am really lucky that God sent me a Korean teacher when I was learning Korean in South Korea.  I was really into bible even I am not a book reader.  But to me, Bible is not just a book.  Using my teacher's words, "Bible is food for our mind." Just like eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, our mind gets hungry, too.  Even I was 26 years old, when I open my heart to Jesus.  My mental ago was little.  I gets angry really easily.  A lot of time, I acted like kid in my relationships with my beloved half.  For some reason, it is very hard to control my emotion.  I cry easily when I watch movies, dramas, even animations. I guess that I am pretty sensitive.  Maybe my mind was hungry after all.  Maybe I did not feed my mind properly.  I really think reading bible is the way to grow my mind.

I attend church when I was in South Korea.  I travels a lot with my husband between USA, Korea, and China.  However, it is hard for me to keep attending the same church and meet the same friends all the time.  I try to attend online church with Onnuri, which is a korean church app on iphone.  They have different languages, so I can attend English or Chinese church.  However, it is hard to keep and learning alone.  That's why I came up the idea to blog for what I learned from bible study.  I am attending a good online church.  To keep what I am doing, I need to find the right partners.  Right now, my blog is my friend, and sharing makes feel that I am not alone.

Thank you Heavenly Father for everything!

In Jesus name, Amen.

-Luie <3

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Genifique Eye Cream

Hiya, eye cream lovers^^*

I decided to buy Genifique Eye Cream because I have light dark circles and a few fine lines under my eyes. I apply it every morning and night. Days after days, I could see some improvement, but definitely, is a long-term use. It cost more than what I'm used to pay for a eye cream, but it last long time, plus working better than anything that i have ever tried. Also, it is not greasy and easy to absolve. I recommend this eye cream for early preventing wrinkles and fine lines, too. If I could afford it and found it earlier, I wish I could use from when I was 20.

Stay healthy and happy!
-Luie <3